
Fri 08/28

What Not To Store in Storage Units

Posted by automatit on Aug 28, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments
This is just a recommendation. In general, it is better to keep your valuables at home. However, any facility with good security, such as Peoples Storage, can be just as safe for your stuff.Perishable Foods not to store in Storage Units What not to Store in Storage Units in Everett & Seattle, WA? Some canned goods might be allowed (always ask first) but perishable food is not. It can rot, smell terrible and grow mold. It can also attract rats and other rodents.Pets and other Live Animals This should go without saying, but you cannot have live animals in your storage unit. If you are going out of town, get a pet sitter or a friend to watch them.Live Plants Potted plants need sunlight, fresh air, water and new soil. Obviously, they will find none of that in a storage unit. Also, live plants can attract pests which can spread to other units.Hazardous Materials You are not allowed to store flammable, corrosive, and explosive materials. These can cause serious damage to property, from your stuff to the facility buildings. Prohibited items include paints, paint thinners, pesticides, weed killers, fireworks, charcoal, liquor, and ammunition, among many others.Stolen and Illegal Goods Obviously, if the manager suspects you have stolen or illegal goods in your unit, they will have to call the police. This includes illicit drugs. You could be arrested and go to jail.Valuable Items
Fri 08/28

Top 7 Reasons That People Use a Self-Storage Unit

Posted by automatit on Aug 28, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments
Looking for storage options for your Holiday decorations, seasonal items, camping gear, toys, clothes….the list is endless. Sometimes, you just have too much stuff and not enough space. Or maybe you prefer to have certain items that aren’t required year round (such as holiday décor) out of sight and out of mind.Storage Options for Renovating Your Existing Home You need good Self-Storage Unit in Everett, Wa during home renovations in Everett! The last thing you want is debris, paint or dust on your furniture and/or valuables. A storage unit can offer you a temporary solution for safely storing your possessions during renovations and construction.Moving to a New Home Sometimes, you have to be out of your current home earlier than you can move in to your new home. Or maybe you are moving across country and you need somewhere to put your belongings until you find a new place to live.Changes in Relationship Status A break up or a new relationship often means a change in living situations. A self storage unit is a great place to store your things until you are able to work out the logistics of living arrangements.A Safe Storage Option for your RV, Equipment or Vehicles If you own an RV, a boat or other machinery, renting a storage unit or an outdoor parking space is essential. Especially when you have no room to store your “toys” at home.Everett Self-Storage Unit if You’re Often in Transit Frequent travelers may have a need to arrange short-term living arrangements that are not able to hold all of their belongings (for example, if you have short-term working contracts). And moving around all of your valuables each time you make a trip may simply be impossible.Storing Business Inventory or Archives Business inventory storage options are difficult. Maybe you run your own business, or maybe you are in charge of finding storage space for your employer. Either way, self storage units are great for storing business inventory or boxes of files that would only take up space in the office.Simply Running Out of Storage Space
Fri 08/28

What Tenants Can Do To Keep Storage Units Safe

Posted by automatit on Aug 28, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments
Peoples Storage does not require insurance, but we strongly recommend you take out a policy anyway. Coverage is very inexpensive – $10 or less per month for minimum coverage. However, check with your homeowners or renters insurance first: your storage unit might already be covered.Purchase the best lock you can find to keep storage units safe & secure. Opt for a lock that is resistant to bolt cutters and lock tampering. We recommend purchasing a disc lock instead of one with a long shackle. We do sell very secure locks, made in Germany, at our Peoples Storage locations.Be aware of what not to put in your storage unit. Don’t put anything in your storage unit that insurance won’t cover. For instance, cash is not covered by insurance, so make sure to take it to the bank. Always check with your insurance provider before storing anything valuable.Keep a current inventory of what is in your storage unit. It is a good idea to keep a current inventory of your storage unit. This might seem like a pain, but it will be invaluable to you and the insurance company in the event of a loss. Also, it will help you remember what exactly you put into storage in the first place. One tip to make it easier: use your smart phone to take a video or pictures of the contents!Get indoor storage for extra protection. If security is a concern for you, consider choosing a unit that is located inside a storage building. This allows for an extra layer of protection because the buildings are typically protected with keypad access or locked down during off hours.Keep storage units Safe! Limit access code or key access. Don’t just let anyone in your storage units and the facility. Don’t advertise where and what you’re keeping in your storage unit to anyone except close family and friends that you trust.Purchase insurance (even if it is not required).
Fri 08/28

How to organize a self storage unit

Posted by automatit on Aug 28, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments
Divide your unit up into four or more sections and list the items and box numbers in each section on your map. Use your master contents list and map to find it without digging through boxes blindly.1. Pick One Box Size For Most, If Not All Of Your Items. Same-size boxes help with stacking and accessibility. Peoples Storage offers small and medium sized boxes that work perfectly for most of your belongings. Big boxes can be difficult to stack and to remove if you need something out of them.2. Identify The Items You May Need To Access While In Storage. Some items you might need more frequent than others such as: Camping supplies, Holiday Decorations, Seasonal clothing, Tools and Hobbies and kids toys. Keep those easily accessible towards the front of the unit.3. Label Each Box You Pack. Label each box on the top and at least one side with a unique box number, the room it came from, and the contents of the box. Remember to put the boxes you might need during storage last. Be as detailed as possible with the contents.4. Create A Master Contents List. Write down all of the contents of each box along with the box number on paper. This seems like a cumbersome step, but a master list becomes really handy when you need to find a specific item, especially if some of your boxes will be completely out of view.5. Plan An Organized Layout For Your Storage Unit. You want to make sure you have easy access to your items. Put furniture up against the wall opposite your boxes so you have a path in the middle, so you can access whatever you need without any hassle.6. Consider Upgrading To A Larger Unit. You might be able to squeeze in all of your belongings in a smaller unit, but if it is filled to the brim it can make accessing your stuff very difficult. A little extra room can give you extra space for shelving and putting pallets on the floor so your furniture and boxes are not resting directly on the ground.7. Shelve Or Stack Boxes. If this is a long-term storage solution, place sturdy shelves along one wall of the unit. Stack from back to front in order of need. Put larger, heavier boxes down first, and then you can stack lighter ones on top. Consider using a brick-wall pattern when stacking same-size boxes.8. Place A Map Of Your Items Inside The Unit Where You Can See It
Fri 08/28

Moving out? Don’t forget to clean these 8 things

Posted by automatit on Aug 28, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments
This should go without saying, but make sure you clean out your fridge and freezer of any food. Clean the inside of the fridge with warm, soapy water and disinfectant. Don’t forget the microwave and stove too! Especially the oven will probably need a good scrubbing.1. Ceiling Fans They can collect a lot of dust and be an allergen trap. Make sure you dust all the ceiling fans in the house BEFORE you vacuum. You always want to dust from the top down in the entire house.2. Windows & Sills If you have pets or kids you will know that they love to touch windows and leave nose/finger prints all over them. Make sure you wipe down windows and while you’re at it, clean the sills as well.3. Switch Plates & Outlets You probably don’t think about those two things a lot when it comes to cleaning, but think about how much we touch them throughout the day. Wiping them down with a disinfecting wipe should do the trick.4. Baseboards Dust, pet hair and dirt can get trapped on the baseboards. Depending on how dirty they are, you want to vacuum off any loose dirt before scrubbing them with a brush and some soapy water.5. Walls & Ceilings Yes, this might sound weird, but walls and ceilings can get dirty too! Grab that duster and dust off the ceilings and grab a sponge or a soft cloth to wipe down the walls. Especially in the kitchen and bathrooms.6. Cabinets and Pantry This can be an annoying task, but it has to be done. Make sure you brush out any food/crumbs from the kitchen cabinets & pantry, before wiping them down (inside and out) with a soft cloth and soapy water.7. Light Fixtures Yes, even light fixtures need some love and your duster is going to be working overtime. You can probably get this one knocked out while you are dusting off the ceiling fans.8. Appliances
Fri 08/28

What is in a box? A Guide to Moving Boxes

Posted by automatit on Aug 28, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments
Available in king, queen, double, single (twin) and crib sizes; you’ll need one for every box spring and every mattress.A small, easy to handle carton designed for heavy items such as books and records or CDs. 1.5 cubic feet.1. Dish Pack (Or China Barrel) Extra sturdy corrugated carton of double-wall construction for all breakables such as china and dishes, crystal and glassware. You may also want to use cellular dividers inside the carton.2. Small Box (Book Carton) 3. Medium Box Medium utility box often used for pots and pans, toys, non-perishable food (cans and jars) and small appliances. 3 cubic feet.4. Large Square Box (Lamp) For bulky items such as linens, towels, toys or lampshades. 4.5 cubic feet.5. Wardrobe Box This large carton has a hanger bar to accommodate clothes from your closet or draperies.6. Mirror Box Telescoping cartons fit almost any picture, mirror or glass.7. Mattress Cover